Protecting you from asbestos exposure
Buildings constructed before 1999, when asbestos was fully banned in the UK, may contain asbestos hidden within their structure. This material was often used within ceiling and floor tiles, insulation, pipework and adhesives. As a result, it’s important to be aware of where asbestos may have been used in a building before repair or demolition work is carried out. Using careful but thorough techniques, our surveyors will be able to locate asbestos without any damage to your property.
Our team has been in the asbestos industry for many years and have inspected hundreds of buildings across the Nottingham area. We have provided our services for social housing, health care and public sector clients across the UK. You can trust us to provide in-depth asbestos surveys, testing and removal services that keep everyone safe.
Why get an asbestos survey?
Asbestos surveys are incredibly important and may also form part of your legal obligation to maintain the health and safety of your staff and customers. For homeowners it can also give peace of mind that either no asbestos is present, or a thorough understanding of what needs to be done with any asbestos found.
After a survey is completed, any asbestos removal, demolition work or building repairs in a domestic or commercial building can be carefully planned to minimise the health and safety risks that come from disturbing asbestos fibres.

Warburton Services can provide:
Pre-demolition surveys
Contaminated land surveys
Management surveys
Asbestos management plans
Sample assessment services
Encapsulation works